
About the goal of the Canadian Committee on Indoor Air Quality is to improve indoor air quality in buildings and, ultimately, the health of occupants, by providing a national forum and clearinghouse for ‘best-of-knowledge’ information on the design and operations of buildings as they affect indoor air quality.
The Canadian Committee on Indoor Air Quality (CCIAQ)
The Canadian Committee on Indoor Air Quality (CCIAQ) was created following consultations and discussions by a working group. Members were selected in accordance with a matrix designed to maintain the balance between building owners, suppliers of products and services, health professionals and consumer interests. As much as possible, we select members to maintain the widest possible geographic distribution across the country. With the exception of employees of departments and agencies of the Government of Canada, members of the Committee are chosen for their individual interests and abilities rather than as delegates of any particular organization. The Government of Canada’s Clean Air Regulatory Agenda supports the independent Committee. The National Research Council of Canada provides administrative support for this. The National Research Council and Health Canada provide technical assistance.
Our mandate is as follows…
Solicit and review relevant information
Identify gaps and issues
Provide discussion forum
Recommend studies
Develop “best-of-knowledge” positions and best practices
Disseminate knowledge
Promote adoption of uniform requirements, best practices and guidelines for the design and operation of buildings
Provide guidance for evaluation of solutions and technologies
Our mission
The Committee is interested in all buildings and people that indoor air quality (IAQ) issues may affect. Its initial focus is to develop concise, helpful and user-friendly technical guides for managers and operators of buildings.
For the most part, these buildings have relatively complex heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems. The knowledgeable persons operate and manage these. [For a list of occupancies covered under the National Building Code of Canada, click here]. This first series of documents will be the foundation for guides and educational materials covering other types of buildings.
As a first step in fulfilling its mandate, the CCIAQ determined that it was imperative to gain an appreciation of the level of knowledge of indoor air issues and improvement strategies currently held by building professionals. The Committee therefore commissioned a survey that would at once establish a baseline measure of knowledge as well as identify gaps in information. To learn more about the survey, click here.