Healthy Renovations
Module 12 – Healthy Renovations
The purpose of this guide is to provide renovators and occupants with information and resources about the dangers to indoor air quality during renovation, restoration, remodelling or retrofit work as well as the opportunities to improve indoor air quality in the long run by improving the materials and systems that affect human health. Industrial, commercial, multi-family residential buildings, and single family homes share the fact that indoor air quality is important to human health, even to the health of the building itself. When work is done to a building, even if it is regular maintenance or minor or major renovations, there are usually ramifications, positive or negative, on indoor air quality that can affect both workers and occupants.
In many commercial, industrial and most health care facilities there exist health and safety regulations, standards, and guidance documents, with many relating to indoor air quality and some specifically to renovation activities. Other buildings may fall outside of such enforced rules, or other best practices may often be omitted by minor work projects or uninformed sub-contractors. As the understanding of building contaminants and occupant sensitivities increases with time, it is necessary to be aware of the possible dangers and the respective precautions that should be taken. This guide is not a repeat of codified health and safety regulations, but a reminder and resource for improving indoor air quality everywhere.
This document is part of a series of modules forming the CCIAQ Guide for Indoor Air Quality.
You can download Module 12 for free here